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Youth Club to get skate ramp after Seven Sharp steps in

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

19 July 2020, 6:04 PM

Youth Club to get skate ramp after Seven Sharp steps inSarah and Dave Millwater on Seven Sharp.

The time and commitment invested by a Hawea couple in setting up and running the Hawea Youth Club for the past three years has been rewarded with an ASB Good As Gold award, to the value of $10,000.

Sarah and Dave Millwater were surprised by the arrival of Michael Holland of Seven Sharp and cameramen during Youth Club, at the Hawea Flat Hall, at the end of last term. 

Michael was there to announce the couple were that week’s ASB Good As Gold recipients, which gives the Millwaters $5000 to put toward a community project of their choice and $5000 for a holiday.

“We were really shocked - no one knew anything about it,” Sarah told the Wanaka App.

The members have done face painting at events to raise money. 

Dave and Sarah’s 15-year-old daughter had nominated her parents for the award in September last year, as both parents had spent their birthdays in hospital that year. Both she and her brother have a health condition requiring regular hospital visits.

Their daughter kept the secret for months, even after the planned surprise visit from Seven Sharp in March this year had to be cancelled because of the COVID-19 lockdown. She eventually shared the news with family friend Liz Breslin, who helped her liaise with Seven Sharp.

Watch the episode here.

It was Dave’s idea to set up a youth club in Hawea Flat, when the family were homeschooling and looking for ways for their kids to socialise.

“My mum used to run a youth club and Dave’s parents ran a youth club and it’s kind of in our blood a little bit,” Sarah said.

Anywhere between 13 to 30 kids turn up for the club each Friday, Sarah said.

Hawea Youth Club members during summer.

“It’s their space, it’s warm and they can do what they like,” she said. 

The young members decided last year they wanted to skateboard. The Hawea Flat Hall worked well for them to master basic skills, then they came up with the idea of a skate ramp, Sarah said.

“A lot of them are really skilled,” she said, adding the kids wanted to build a ramp which the community can also use.

The youth club members have been fundraising by offering face painting, sausage sizzles and ‘hobby horse’ derbys at events, hosting a pop-up diner, and running a successful ‘Battle of the Bands’ competition last November.

Funds raised have been boosted by a donation from the Cavalcade last year, various grants, and club fees, bringing the total to $5000. The Millwaters are adding the $5000 the ASB has given them to use for a community project, bringing the total to $10,000.

“There is some QLDC [Queenstown Lakes District Council] parks and rec ground we’re looking at in Hawea Flat for the ramp,” Sarah said.

Since the Millwaters received the Good As Gold award, Sarah posted on Facebook she was seeking volunteers to help with the skate ramp project. Close to 30 people have responded, and a meeting will be held this Friday (July 24) to discuss the project and assign roles.

“We just want to make sure this money is going where the kids want it to go,” Sarah said.

The Southern Lakes owner of building supply company ITM saw the Seven Sharp item and has since visited Dave, offering help with building materials, Sarah said.

After three years of running the club each Friday night during term time, Sarah and Dave recently decided it was time for them to step back. Kahu Youth has now stepped in to supervise the club.

“Since starting Youth Club the amount of support from community and local parents has helped it thrive,” Sarah said. “I don’t think we would have survived without that.”

PHOTOS: Supplied