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The Wānaka App

Wānaka welcomes the New Year

The Wānaka App

Staff Reporters

01 January 2023, 12:06 AM

Wānaka welcomes the New YearThe crowd watching the fireworks display.

A crowd of mostly good natured and well behaved revellers welcomed 2023 last night on the Wānaka lakefront.

The crowd was smaller than some previous years; but seemed to have fewer obviously intoxicated people. There were also lots of adults in the mix, and security personnel were on board keeping alcohol out of the crowd as much as possible.

Local band Powder Chutes was a big drawcard at the Dinosaur Park and got many in the crowd dancing.

Powder Chutes attracted a crowd to the Dinosaur park.

Wānaka police said it was “a pretty typical New Year’s”, and a large police presence ensured any incidents were dealt with quickly.

“Our staff were kept busy with the usual kinds of incidents we often see at this time of the year, but for the most part people out celebrating had a good time and stayed safe,” a police spokesperson said.

Midnight revellers queuing to get into the Water Bar.

Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board member Lyal Cocks said he was “pretty impressed by behaviour”; people were in a good celebratory mood; and there were fewer drunken youths.

“Council staff and contractors need a big pat on the back for their terrific efforts to quickly get the town cleaned up,” he said.

Red Frogs national coordinator Shannon Thomson told the Wānaka App there were a lot of families around earlier in the night, but as the night went on young people dominated.

“We definitely saw intoxication - yeah it was a busy night,” she said.

DJ action at the waterfront.

She said having the live entertainment made things safer for young people, offering a distraction and attracting a wider range of people to the lakefront.

The volunteer support network also partnered with the Rhythm & Alps Festival for the first time, with a team of volunteers making pancakes and sausages on the BBQ for young people waiting to catch the shuttle bus back to Wānaka. 

“That was a really awesome, awesome time,” she said.

From today (Sunday January 1) Red Frogs is featured on the One Good Kiwi App, a new digital donation platform.

“If people want to support us, that’s a really practical simple way for them to do that,” she said.

PHOTOS: Wānaka App