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Momentum building for town centre plan

The Wānaka App

28 December 2022, 4:06 PM

Momentum building for town centre planA group working on a plan for Wānaka’s town centre expects it to be presented to council next year.

Work on a town centre plan for Wānaka is continuing after the Heart of Wānaka steering group conducted several meetings over the past two months.

The group met with a range of community groups, including a workshop with the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board, and held a number of public drop-in sessions.

“It has been really interesting to discover people’s passion for our town centre and to continue to build our vision from the ground up,” group member Andrew (Howie) Howard said.

“When you have good conversations you realise that we agree on the vast majority of things.”

Howie said the vision is to create a thriving town centre that prioritises people and place, and complements Three Parks.

Feedback from the meetings will be included in the next iteration of the plan which features these guiding principles: connecting to the lake, enhancing the ecology, safe and easy access for all, open spaces, community, strong economy, celebrate local culture, and quality built


Once the plan is completed Heart of Wānaka will consult with the wider community before seeking plan support from the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC).

The area covered in Heart of Wānaka’s plan includes the wider CBD and Roys Bay, from Wānaka Station Park to Anderson Heights and Mount Aspiring College.

Heart of Wānaka was officially launched in May but the steering group behind it (which comprises local representatives from the community, schools, retailers, design, business and property owners) has been meeting monthly since a public meeting in July last year. 

PHOTO: Supplied