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Spring cleaning

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

12 May 2022, 6:04 PM

Spring cleaning The heart-shaped pond below the spring was cleaned up while protecting the native fish.

The Wānaka community spring on Lakeside Terrace was shown some love by a small group of volunteers last weekend (Saturday May 7).

The public spring near the entrance to the marina boardwalk was developed to feature the high quality water from artesian springs which run underneath Wānaka.

The spring water is fed by the Cardrona river aquifer, the same as Bullock Creek, and the water is potable but not classified as an official community water source.

Five volunteers spent more than an hour on Saturday cleaning the heart-shaped pond, the stone basin and around the splash area of the spring.

About 10 people turned up to collect water from the spring during the clear up.

One volunteer told the Wānaka App that “special care” was taken of the native fish in the pond, which has become a spawning ground for some rare native fish species.

The volunteers said at least a dozen people had arrived to collect water while they were there working.

Spring development instigator Richard Windelov told the Wānaka App the last official clean up of the spring was in February 2021, but the Saturday clean up appeared to be below the radar. 

“But I want to encourage the community and the people who use it to take ownership of the spring,” Richard said.

“This is your spring, funded by the Upper Clutha community. Please help us with it - whether it’s picking up a piece of rubbish or having a clean up.”

Richard has plans to develop a sculpture area at the spring later this year.

“In the spring we want to invite local sculptors to create anything around the theme of water, the goddess, or mother. We want to welcome local artists who by spring time would have something to install down there.”

“I’d love to see a taniwha down there, it would be super cool.”

People are advised to fill their drink bottles and carboys directly under the flow from the pipes rather than from the pond and regular users of the water springs are advised to mix their water sources.

PHOTOS: Wānaka App