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Pledge ‘first step’ toward inclusion for LGBTTQ+ people

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

06 September 2020, 6:04 PM

Pledge ‘first step’ toward inclusion for LGBTTQ+ peopleStudents in mufti celebrate Rainbow Day.

Wanaka has taken a step towards more diversity and inclusion in the community with the launch of the Wanaka and Upper Clutha Pride Pledge last week.

The launch was Initiated by Ignite Wanaka Chamber of Commerce and Mount Aspiring College (MAC), working in partnership with Pride Pledge Aotearoa.

MAC acting principal Dean Shepherd said the school sees the pledge as the first step towards a lasting commitment for increasing visibility, inclusion and safety for LGBTTQ+ people in the MAC community. 

“We hope that taking the Pride Pledge will help our workplace and school community become more empathetic towards issues around gender and sexuality by assisting people to build awareness and understanding.”

MAC acting principal Dean Sheppard and Pride Pledge founder Martin King.

He said the school’s senior leadership will initiate a plan to support the pledge, developed with staff and student consultation and released to the community. 

MAC has a rainbow group, the ‘Straight And Gay Alliance’ (SAGA), which is run through Kahu Youth and supported by a MAC teacher. The group’s main purpose is to promote connection, Dean said.

Constable Alexandra Cully from Queenstown and Beatrix (Trix) Creswick. Trix took the opportunity to ride in the Rainbow police car, which has come from Auckland for Gay Pride Week in Queenstown.

“We have been supporting the SAGA group more overtly this year and other initiatives include developing a gender neutral uniform, working with the architects to provide non gender specific ablutions in the new build, and changing our Head Boy and Head Girl positions to become ‘Head Students’ next year,” he said. 

While the school knows it has a long way to go, he said, “we see this as the beginning of a positive change. We are excited and proud to be making these steps towards creating a safe and inclusive environment”.

Ignite Wanaka and MAC took the Pride Pledge with Pride Pledge founder Martin King on Thursday (September 3) at a special assembly at MAC.

Ignite Wanaka executive officer Naomi Lindsay says the Pride Pledge has gained momentum in Queenstown and other areas across New Zealand and the chamber “felt it was an important step to take the pledge and lead our business community into embracing diversity on a number of levels”.

“Through understanding diversity and embracing and welcoming different thinking, we can have more insightful and productive conversations about the issues and opportunities that impact our community.”

Wanaka will be added as a Pride Pledge town and all businesses, organisations and individuals which take the Pledge will be listed online.

A Wanaka Pride Pledge launch will be held later this year with Queenstown Lakes District mayoress Karen Boult, the patron, pledged businesses, and the LGBTTQ+ community.

The Pride Pledge aims to provide opportunities for the LGBBTTQ+ community to connect regularly through hosted events, as well as working with Martin King to educate businesses and the community around inclusivity through learning lunches, workshops and events.

Read the pledge here.

PHOTOS: Wanaka App