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More choice of candidates as newcomers step up

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

10 August 2022, 5:06 PM

More choice of candidates as newcomers step upNew candidates: John Wellington, Linda Joll, and Daniel Shand.

Wānaka’s choice of candidates for the upcoming local body election has increased, with three more people putting their hands up for election since Monday(August 8), and a community board candidate also announcing his candidacy for the council.

Wānaka-Upper Clutha Community Board (WUCCB) chair Barry Bruce told the Wānaka App his initial decision was to stand again for the board, but due to persistent encouragement from residents, he decided to add his name to the candidates for the Wānaka-Upper Clutha ward of the Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC).

John Wellington - council and board

John Wellington has been nominated for both the council and the board.

John is a “semi-retired” Englishman who has lived in Wānaka for 24 years. He is the owner operator of two tourism businesses: a bed and breakfast, with his partner, and an inbound tour guiding business.

“I’ve been active in the community in one way or another pretty much since I’ve been here,” he told the Wānaka App, listing some examples such as his involvement with the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust (as a trustee), active transport planning, and the town centre masterplan.

John submitted for retaining the community board during the recent representation review.

“Having seen how effective it could be I thought it was important to retain it… then I thought I should put my hand up and be part of making that happen,” he said.

“I’ve been on the other side of the table for a long time. Perhaps I should have a seat on the decision-making side of the table.”

John said with the changes in representation as some long-standing candidates step down, he is keen to see “a reset” of the council.

“Having an effective Wānaka Community Board will be part of that, and making sure Wānaka gets the resources it needs.”

Linda Joll - community board

Linda Joll has been nominated by two Cardrona residents to run for the WUCCB.

“Having an opportunity to represent Cardrona on the Wānaka Community Board is exciting. We are going through enormous change post-Covid,” she told the Wānaka App.

Linda moved to Wānaka in 2015 and has lived in Cardrona since 2019. She is a director of Reset Urban Design and volunteers with Warbirds Over Wānaka, Te Kākano, the Winter Games, and is a trustee of the Lakes District Arts Trust.

She said her passions include family, business, children, youth, art, music, landscape and community, and skills she would bring to the table are “courage, resilience, and compassion”. 

“Now is my time to give back to [the] community [by] being open, to listen, to support, to represent and lead through the challenges of growth, to ensure the community is heard, listened to, and understood by the governing council representatives.”

Daniel Shand - mayor and council

Daniel Shand is a previous independent general election candidate for Waitaki. He has been nominated for both the Wānaka-Upper Clutha ward for council - and for mayor.

Daniel didn’t respond to the Wānaka App’s requests for comment, however his history in running for office includes running for the Whanganui District Council in 2019, with the promise to make "everything better". 

His slogan for running for Waitaki in 2020 was “I don’t know anything about politics but I’ll give it a go”.

He told the Wānaka App in 2020 that the most important issue facing Wānaka was “the inability of our representatives being able to represent the people of the electorate”. 

“I would represent the people in the electorate and not a party because I don't belong to a party, and I believe in a real democracy where the people are more accurately represented.” 

Nominations for the local body election close tomorrow (Friday August 12). The election will take place in October.

PHOTOS: Supplied