Tony O'Regan
09 June 2023, 5:06 PM
The last of a series of hui to discuss the future of arts culture and heritage in the Queenstown Lakes district was held in Wānaka on Thursday night (June 8).
The hui attracted approximately 50 people in a workshop setting to contribute ideas and have their say on the future of the sector.
“We’ve had a really great turnout and really great start to the conversation,” Three Lakes Cultural Trust chief operating officer Samantha Kirk said.
“It was a really great opportunity to hear what matters … and the voices that came along had some really strong thoughts.”
Samantha said a common theme across the region was the agreed importance of arts culture and heritage and its valued place in the community and district.
Hui facilitator Kate Smith said one of the things that came out of discussions is the passion and talent in the sector within the district.
She said the ideas put forward will “develop a shared understanding and perspective of what a sustainable arts culture and heritage sector strategy should look like, what its value would be, and to build support for it”.
Feedback from all the hui will be collated and provided to a steering committee to develop an arts culture and heritage strategy to be put forward for inclusion in the Queenstown Lakes District Council’s 10-year plan.
Find more information about the hui and the Three Lakes Cultural Trust here.
PHOTO: Wānaka App