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The Wānaka App


The Wānaka App

Constable Wheturangi Campbell

10 January 2022, 8:35 PM


Hello to the long-term residents of Wānaka and all the happy holiday makers here at the moment.

I see the second wave of holiday makers have come to town and the lake is being used flat out over the last couple of days. Just a reminder that motorised craft are to operate below five knots within 50 metres of another craft and also within 50 metres of a person swimming.

There is a swimming lane in Roys Bay near Waterfall Creek marked by a row of orange buoys.

There is regular sailing coaching on our lake with young learners out there and if you rip past you are risking them from being injured. It’s a big lake so be considerate of others please.

There is a good document on the QLDC website.

We have had quite a few scams reported in the last few weeks so be aware. Don’t assume that the bank or business that is calling you is who they say they are.

It is worth checking the number online or calling the business directly and confirming. Do not give personal details or transactions details over the phone. Tens of thousands of dollars have been taken.

As most people are well aware there was a large fire in the Glendhu Bay area. We know the cause of the fire. Make sure you are careful cooking and use NO naked flames or smoking in the outdoors where the ground is tinder dry. A fire doesn’t take much to start and gets out of control very quickly.

We disrupted another cannabis plantation which we were advised of by a member of the public.

Well done that person who let us know. If those persons would like to explain they can call me.

There is a lot of found property at the station so if you have lost something valuable give us a call during office hours and we will check if it is here.

We impounded a motorcycle in the Albert Town area. I understand there has been some local discussion in the Albert Town area about some problems. Please report issues directly to police so we can deal with the matter.

We are catching plenty of drink drivers still. We stop a large number of cars every night. Don’t think we won’t stop you. Find another way home or better still don’t take your car to town or where you will be drinking at all.

We dealt with a job where a customer did not receive their courier package when expected and made some bad decisions. Not that persons shining moment I’m sure. This just held up others from getting their packages!

Please be safe and remember that we are all here hoping to enjoy summer so be mindful of others.

Oh and also wear sunscreen.