The Wānaka App
The Wānaka App
It's Your Place
The Wānaka App


The Wānaka App

Senior Sergeant Chris Brooks

08 November 2020, 11:11 PM


Hello all, hope your week has been a good one. The lads and lasses of Wanaka Police have had a mixed bag of a week.

Some misguided youths kicked the week off with an attempt at shoplifting. Their try at the five-finger discount method was thwarted by eagle eyed staff. They were promptly confronted and confessed to their indiscretion. Hopefully a lesson learned for them. Dishonesty offending can become a sticking point for one’s future.

A vehicle crash also occurred at the Anderson Road round-a-bout. Please take care and time at intersections.

Tuesday was quiet.

Here is a message from our newly minted Sergeant Cranfield: “Over the next few weeks during the lead up to Christmas and New Year the prevention team, with other community support groups, will be delivering messages to parents and Wanaka youth in relation to alcohol over the Christmas/New Year period. We see a huge influx of youths into Wanaka who congregate along the southern end of town in the evenings. It is common to hear the jingle of bottles in their backpacks (and they’re not milk bottles). Our focus is to keep your children safe and we will be putting measures in place to achieve this”.

Wednesday saw another vehicle collision, this time between an innocent road user and an insecure load from the opposite road user.

Thursday saw a report of poisoned trees and cut irrigation at a development. We have hot lines of inquiry.

Two out of town workers stole some money from someone. They were quickly identified and dealt with.

A sudden death was attended and our thoughts are with the friends and family.

Friday, also quiet.

Senior Constable Adrian Kerin says: "For those wishing to reduce the population of the Oryctolagus Cuniculus (European Rabbit) with firearms, the cardinal rules of firearms still apply. There have been recent incidents of firearms being discharged and properties receiving damage. Police would like to reiterate the safety message around firearm usage with particular emphasis on identifying your target and what’s around and behind it. Realizing that the vast majority of firearms holders and users in the area are well aware of their duties and obligations Police would like to offer this as a safety reminder."

Saturday and Sunday were well under par for a weekend.

Be aware of scams involving “Neo capital” and "Block Chain”. Don’t get involved.

Lastly there was lots of jewellery delivered from the Wanaka swimming pool and Recreation Centre to the station this week so call in if you’ve lost something.

Have a great week everyone. Stay safe.

FENZ Incident Report (alarms)

Tuesday 3 November 06:29:53. Duration 00:14:04: Non-fire event - false alarm.

Tuesday 3 November 20:51:34. Duration 00:14:56: Miscellaneous fire (min).

Wednesday 4 November 09:47:44. Duration 00:00:00: Rescue, emergency, medical call.

Wednesday 4 November 13:51:52. Duration 00:21:59: Vegetation fire (min).

Thursday 5 November 18:12:11. Duration 00:09:39: Rescue, emergency, medical call (med).

Saturday 7 November 04:55:19. Duration 00:24:55: False alarm.

Saturday 7 November 16:03:14. Duration 02:19:08: Vegetation fire (min)