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The Wānaka App

Sergeant Kim Chirnside

07 September 2020, 4:07 AM


Well the Covid 19 Restrictions continue into September and it is good to see our businesses trying their best to comply with the requirements, follow any directions given and keep our community safe from this terrible health problem.

On Monday Police attended a vehicle crash in the Cardrona Valley where a local couple were in a vehicle which rolled several times down a bank. Luckily no one was hurt, but the poor car wasn’t well. It is a good reminder to remain focussed all the way to your destination and not to switch to autopilot because you are near home.

Police received a report of 12 vehicles broken into at Roy's Peak car park. Investigation revealed it was not crime but that severe wind had whipped up loose gravel and damaged the cars.

A driver also had their driver’s license suspended when driving at 129km/h in an 80 zone.

Tuesday saw us deal with another vehicle collision in the Cardrona Valley Road. It is again a reminder that despite the arrival of spring one needs to drive to the road conditions.

Police were called to disorderly behaviour at the Wanaka Medical Centre and a person was trespassed for two years. Our community’s health professionals are here to help not to be abused so please treat them with the same care they show to us. The patient had to travel to an alternative provider.

Police received a report of a vehicle damaged on Anderson Road. Some unhelpful individual had jumped on the roof of the car, Police would appreciate any information about this offending.

Wednesday saw us attend another vehicle collision - a reminder to drive to the conditions.

Thursday saw two drivers apprehended for excess breath alcohol. The rate of apprehension does not seem to be diminishing, infringement notices were issued for these two offences. Police also dealt with a vehicle collision with a cyclist.

On Friday another driver was apprehended for excess breath alcohol at such a level that his licence was suspended and he is facing a court appearance.

Saturday saw police deal with a family harm matter, and Police apprehended yet another motorist for excess breath alcohol, who was issued with an infringement notice.

Police also dealt with a grossly intoxicated male who became separated from his companions.

Sunday saw Police deal with a family harm incident and a trespass matter.

Have a safe week, be careful not to drink and drive, treat each other with the kindness you would like to be shown yourself.