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Checking in on our quality of life

The Wānaka App

10 October 2024, 4:04 PM

Checking in on our quality of lifeQueenstown Lakes District Council’s seventh annual Quality of Life survey is open until November 10.

The district’s seventh annual Quality of Life survey - which will provide insight into residents’ views on issues such as housing, health services, the environment, transport, employment, and sense of community - has now opened.


Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) acting chief executive Ken Bailey said data collected by previous years’ surveys provided council, and other organisations, with strong evidence to address the district’s issues, challenges and opportunities.


“Past findings helped shape QLDC’s Long Term Plan, supported our advocacy with government agencies, and guided projects such as the Climate and Biodiversity Plan and the Welcoming Communities Programme,” he said.


“This year’s survey will give us broader insight into what’s currently going well in people’s lives and what they would like to change. It’ll help us and other organisations identify priority issues, pain points, and opportunities to improve the quality of life for our communities.”

Last year’s survey indicated that 72 percent of residents rate their quality of life as good or better; 21 percent said they had a place to live today but were worried about losing it in the future; 18 percent indicated they needed to move in the last 12 months; and 21 percent had no disposable income or couldn't cover their expenses.

Read more: Housing a major challenge for residents, survey finds

Ken said a new dedicated annual survey on trust and satisfaction in council services and decision-making would take place in the new year, rather than these subjects being included in the Quality of Life survey as they traditionally have.


“At QLDC, we really value locals’ views on the trust they hold in council to deliver and make good decisions and understanding your level of satisfaction with our services and facilities,” he said. 

“To give that the focus it deserves and ensure we can turn the results into meaningful improvements, we will be running a stand-alone annual survey on these subjects early in 2025.”


Ken said he encouraged everyone in the district to take part in the Quality of Life survey - which will put them in the draw for a $250 prezzy card and weekly $50 prezzy spot prizes.


Anyone can access the survey here until November 10.


PHOTO: Wānaka App