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Central Otago Masonic Lodge announces annual grants

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

09 June 2023, 5:04 PM

Central Otago Masonic Lodge announces annual grantsHāwea Playgroup was one of the recipients.

Upper Clutha applicants for this year’s annual community grants from the Central Otago Masonic Trust received more than $5,000 of the $18,240 total.

Trust secretary and treasurer Rory Butler said there were 14 requests for grants this year, which  totalled $41,000, considerably beyond the trust’s budget.

The Upper Clutha recipients this year were Enliven Wānaka, which received $2,495 for a new piano, and the Hāwea Playgroup, which received $2,800 for a sandpit.

The annual grants, for which applications end on March 31 each year, came from Masonic funds, Rory said.

“Members of the lodge in the past have invested wisely over the years and it is the interest on that.”

The remainder of grants went to organisations in Central Otago and Whakatipu.

PHOTO: Supplied