28 June 2022, 2:00 AM
The New Zealand Avalanche Advisory (NZAA) has advised of dangerous avalanche conditions in Wānaka’s alpine region.
Anyone planning to venture into alpine areas should wait until conditions settle down, NZAA says.
The major snowfall earlier in the month (June 11-13) landed on warm ground and has not bonded well in places, the NZAA says, and the rain and snow over the past 24 hours increases the likelihood of avalanche activity.
If people do go into alpine areas they need to make a careful evaluation of the snowpack, practice cautious route-finding and conservative decision-making.
The NZAA works to support backcountry participants in avalanche risk areas by providing an avalanche forecasting system. It is owned and managed by the New Zealand Mountain Safety Council (MSC).
PHOTO: Supplied