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Hui to consider mental health as demand for services increases

The Wānaka App

06 April 2021, 6:06 PM

Hui to consider mental health as demand for services increasesThere is an increasing demand for crisis mental health services in each locality of the Southern district.

An increasing demand for crisis mental health services in each locality of the Southern District is one of the issues for discussion at a series of Māori focused hui.

Southern residents, whānau, providers and community representatives are invited to the hui as part of the Southern mental health review, which is currently underway.

“The hui are intended to be a safe and supportive place to raise, explore and discuss issues related to the present Mental Health & Addiction Service system review for Māori, but more importantly to identify Māori solutions,” Southern District Health Board (SDHB) chief health Māori strategy and improvement officer Gilbert Taurua said.

“The hui will be Māori focused although open to all interested individuals, whānau and the community and will be facilitated by local Māori leaders.”

The SDHB announced the Mental Health and Addictions Continuum of Care Review in August 2020. 

The SDHB said delivering an equitable service across a widespread geographic area is challenging, and the increasing demand for crisis mental health services in each locality (including emergency out-of-hours crisis services) is creating a variance in service delivery levels.

SDHB chief health Māori strategy and improvement officer Gilbert Taurua 

Similarly, the model of care (particularly for specialist services in Dunedin and Invercargill) varies across the district.

Recruiting and retaining workforce, particularly in rural areas or in towns that have high living costs, is also challenging, the SDHB said.


The review is examining current services against contemporary best practice, and will identify opportunities for improving patient and staff experience, the SDHB said. This includes better access to services at all points across the continuum of care and better integration between primary, community and acute services.

The hui will be held in Queenstown (Tuesday April 13, Mercure Resort, 3.30pm to 6.30pm), Dunedin (Monday April 12), and Invercargill (Tuesday April 13). Register attendance here.

Synergia is undertaking the review on behalf of the SDHB. The organisation has already spoken with many people across the Southern District in the first stage of this process. The SDHB expects the review to be completed mid-year.

PHOTOS: Supplied