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Staff Reporters

03 November 2020, 5:00 PM

Snapshots Stuart Nash PHOTO: Supplied

New tourism minister welcomed

Tourism Industry Aotearoa has welcomed the appointment of Stuart Nash as Minister of Tourism and said it looks forward to working with him on the industry’s recovery.

TIA said it was pleased the tourism portfolio has stayed with a senior minister in the efforts to ensure tourism recovers its place among the biggest contributors to New Zealand’s economy.

Stuart’s experience as Minister of Small Business will be valuable in his new role, as the tourism industry includes thousands of small businesses, TIA Chief Executive Chris Roberts said.

Tourism also complements Stuart’s new portfolio of Economic and Regional Development.

“It is also pleasing that Peeni Henare has retained his role as Associate Minister of Tourism. Tourism is a big portfolio and we know from experience that there is plenty of work for an Associate Minister to support the Tourism Minister,” Chris said.

Former tourism minister Kelvin Davis reportedly said Stuart will do a "fantastic" job in the role.

Wanaka student raises awareness of homelessness

Priya White PHOTO: Supplied

Mount Aspiring College student Priya White is raising awareness about homelessness and encouraging people to donate items for the homeless.

Priya became aware of people living on the streets when she visited her grandparents in Spain, and also saw people begging in the streets in Auckland and Christchurch.

Last summer she wanted to do something to help. “I made a list of things that I thought would be useful and bought some items like shampoo, socks, sanitizer, tissues and some food and went with my mum to donate it to a homeless man on New Years Eve when we were staying in Christchurch,” she said.

For her term three topic inquiry students had to research the impact of something, and Priya chose the impact of homelessness. 

“ part of the 'action' required for my project I have set up a display at Wanaka library with information about homelessness and am collecting donations of toiletries that I will take to one of the homeless charities that helped me with my work.”

People can drop items (such as shampoo and conditioner, soap, sun screen, lip balm, plasters/bandages, hand sanitiser, toothbrush and toothpaste, sanitary products, and deodorant) into the library.

“If I can get more people thinking about the reasons people become homeless and what can be done to support them then that's great too,” Priya said.

Mountain bikers complete marathon in isolation

The four athletes completed a half marathon in their hotel rooms. PHOTO: Supplied

A Wanaka mountain biker was one of four who ran a half marathon in their hotel rooms during isolation.

The four athletes, Charles Murray (Wanaka/Christchurch), Edward Masters (Queenstown/New Plymouth), Brook Macdonald (Hawkes Bay), and Anton Cooper (Christchurch), are professional mountain bikers who have returned from representing New Zealand at the 2020 World MTB

Championship in Austria.

To support two charities - Burwood Spinal Unit and the Rescue Helicopter - they decided to run a half marathon while in isolation, on Saturday (October 31).

Brook, Anton and Charles completed 2625 eight metre laps; and Edward completed 4200 five metre laps.

All four athletes have had friends or family rescued by the Westpac Rescue Helicopter service and feel lucky to have such a quick response service here in NZ.

Donations can be made here.

Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust presents 2019-20 annual report to ORC

Otago Regional councillors visit the HeliOtago hangar at the Taieri Aerodrome. PHOTO: Supplied

The Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust undertook a record number of rescues and flew 14 percent more mission hours than last year, the trust’s annual report says.

The trust reported to the Otago Regional Council (ORC) meeting last week. The ORC is a major funder of the trust, donating $350,000 annually.

“In the last year, HeliOtago undertook 1,328 emergency patient retrievals across the lower South Island, which is a significant 11 percent increase on the previous year,” ORC chair Andrew Noone said. “Since 2018, they’ve also upped their capacity with an increase in the number of dedicated machines and upgrades to on-board medical equipment.”

Trust chair Martin Dippie, HeliOtago managing director Graeme Gale, and trust secretary Vivienne Seaton also highlighted some of the challenges the trust and HeliOtago had encountered as a result of COVID-19, including transporting COVID-19 patients and implementing strict measures to keep staff safe.

Read the Otago Rescue Helicopter Trust’s 2020 Annual Report here.

Voting open for Bird of the Year 

New Zealand’s Rockhopper Penguin - your choice this year? PHOTO: Supplied

Voting is now open for Forest & Bird’s annual Bird of the Year/Te Manu Rongonui o Te Tau 2020. 

New Zealanders have five votes to rank their top five birds, which is also an opportunity to get to know New Zealand’s amazing native birds.

Whether you choose to vote for a coalition of kiwi, a party of penguins, or split your vote across birds of a different feather, what's important is that you have a say on who will fly away with New Zealand's most prestigious annual title.

“Our birds are pretty awesome. Bird of the Year is a great time to raise awareness about the threats they face and the help they need to survive in Aotearoa,” Forest & Bird said.

Vote here.

Wanaka makes appearance in promotion video

Madeleine Sami and Jackie van Beek at the Cardrona Hotel in a still from the video. PHOTO: Supplied

Renowned New Zealand comedians Madeleine Sami and Jackie van Beek have teamed up to release a summer tune all in the name of supporting domestic tourism, and Wanaka locations have made numerous cameos.

The song, named ‘Do Something New, New Zealand’, (watch it here) invites New Zealanders to explore New Zealand. 

“Whether it’s doing something new in your hometown or visiting an entirely new corner of the country, we thought there was no better way to inspire Kiwis to get out there than by song” Madeleine Sami says.

Wanaka’s Puzzling World, the Cardrona Hotel, and lots of scenic spots around Queenstown Lakes feature in the video. 

The song, a collaboration with Tourism New Zealand in its role of supporting the domestic tourism industry, was filmed across ten different regions in New Zealand and features more than 30 tourism activities and points of interest.