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Public holiday yardstick (Law blog)

The Wānaka App

Aspiring Law

18 June 2023, 8:50 PM

Public holiday yardstick (Law blog)

Another public holiday is about to fall and many of us will get to enjoy a day off for the King’s Birthday on 5 June. If you’re an employer, don’t come unstuck over failing to pay your workers correctly.

Each year we Kiwis enjoy 12 public holidays – 11 national, plus one for our region. If one of these days falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it gets ‘Mondayised’ or in some cases ‘Tuesdayised’.

How you are or are not paid for public holidays depends on a couple of different factors.

Here’s how the rules work.

There’s still plenty more public holidays to go so here’s a list of what we’ve got to look forward to for the rest of 2023!