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Planning for Wānaka Airport looms

The Wānaka App

Staff Reporters

23 July 2024, 5:06 PM

Planning for Wānaka Airport looms The future of Wānaka Airport is an “important community conversation”, says QLDC.

The “important community conversation” about the future of Wānaka Airport has inched a little closer.

Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) chief executive Mike Theelen told the Wānaka Upper Clutha Community Board (WUCCB) at its most recent meeting that council would begin to address work on a long-term planning process for Wānaka Airport in this financial year (2024-2025), which would “form the basis of a future masterplan”. 

The project is included in the current draft of the Long Term Plan 2024-2034 (LTP). 

In April the WUCCB pushed QLDC to consult on a masterplan during this calendar year.

“Wānaka Airport is a strategic community asset and we need clarity on its future,” board chair Simon Telfer said.

“[The] Civil Aviation Authority requires a large amount of money to be spent on the airport to maintain the current level of service. It would be sensible to invest this money with an understanding of the airport’s future strategic direction.”

Simon said consultation on the airport should be focused on what the community wants for the airport, “rather than the community saying ‘this is what we don’t want for the airport’”.

“The future of the airport is an important topic for the area and it’s essential to ensure the Wānaka-Upper Clutha community is part of shaping it,” the LTP consultation document says.

The draft LTP proposes funding for planning, but “no specific budget has been allocated” for a masterplan at this time, a QLDC spokesperson told the Wānaka App.

“There is budget outlined in the draft LTP, currently out for community consultation, for capital expenditure to upgrade parts of the airfield, and in anticipation of the Civil Aviation Authority requiring Wānaka Airport to become a Qualifying Aerodrome under Part 139 of the Civil Aviation Rules,” the spokesperson said.

“The draft LTP has $2.4M for compliance upgrades and $1.5M for renewals of plant and services over the first three years.”

The consultation document says more information would be provided “on this important community conversation” later in the year. 

Wānaka Airport is owned by QLDC and operated by Queenstown Airport Corporation under a management services agreement. 

Read more: ‘Urgency needed’ for Wānaka Airport planning

PHOTO: Supplied