Wānaka Primary School
09 September 2024, 4:56 PM
The Wānaka Primary School Board gives notification that the school has 60 available places, across all year levels, and invites applications from parents for out-of-zone enrolments, for next year, 2025.
All out-of-zone enrolments are subject to enrolment scheme legislation.
If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot.
The out-of-zone enrolment application deadline is the 27th September, 2024.
Information on the out-of-zone application process, together with the enrolment form and an out-of-zone ballot application form (both of which are required to be submitted) are available on our school website.
If a ballot is required this will be held on 11th October, 2024.
Brendan Hearle Board Chair.