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Peak time for produce pantries

The Wānaka App

11 December 2023, 4:04 PM

Peak time for produce pantriesLocals are encouraged to drop off or pick up excess produce at the Wastebusters pantry, or any of the nine other pantries/community produce stands around the Upper Clutha. PHOTO: Wastebusters

The Food Security Network is reminding residents that summer is a great time to share excess produce at any of the nine community produce stands around the Upper Clutha.

The stands provide a free and convenient way for people to donate or collect everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to jams, preserves, eggs and baking, an initiative which promotes food sharing and helps reduce waste.

Wastebusters is a founding member of the Food Security Network and has a stand (also known as a food pantry) at its reuse shop entrance.

“Community pantries are for everyone - whether you rescue some food by taking what you need, or by finding your nearest pantry and sharing your surplus kai, you're helping the food sharing economy thrive,” Wastebusters communications manager Ruth Blunt said.

A community produce stand on Camphill Road in Hāwea Flat. PHOTO: Wānaka App

“From Wasties to the Community Hub, and Luggate to Hāwea, the network of pantries has grown since the project started a few years ago,” she said.

There are now four pantries in the Wānaka area, three around Hāwea and Hāwea Flat, one in Albert Town and one in Luggate.

Community Networks/LINK is another Food Security Network member with a stand outside its office at the Wānaka Community Hub, in addition to a food bank which provides groceries for people experiencing financial hardship.

“The food pantries are managed by local people which fosters a sense of community and people can help support their neighbourhood,” Community Networks/LINK food security project coordinator Yvonne Walker said.

“With the high increased cost of living it has become apparent how many families are struggling to access food,” she said. 

“Our food pantries give our community access to food, a strong sense of community and reduces food waste.”

Locals are encouraged to drop off any excess produce at one of the local stands.

For the stands to work, it’s equally important to collect food from the stand, so locals are encouraged to visit their local stand and take some produce home.

“Anything you share is one less thing going to waste – and by taking produce home, you're contributing to a healthy sharing economy,” Yvonne said.

Find your nearest community produce stand:

Wānaka: Wānaka Community Hub, 34 McDougall Street; Wānaka Recreation Centre, 41 Sir Tim Wallis Drive; Wānaka Wastebusters, Ballantyne Road; Grow Wānaka, Outlet Road

Albert Town: Sherwin Avenue

Hāwea: Lake Hāwea Community Centre, 28 Myra Street; Kanuka Corner Early Childhood Centre, Francis Lane; Camphill Coffee, 546 Camp Hill Road, Hāwea Flat

Luggate; Hopkins Street