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New climate and biodiversity website launching

The Wānaka App

11 May 2023, 5:04 PM

New climate and biodiversity website launching QLDC is launching a website to update residents on the CABP and other climate-related initiatives.

A new website will help keep locals up to date on Queenstown Lakes District Council’s (QLDC) climate and biodiversity initiatives.

QLDC said the website would “improve our ability to communicate the progress” on the Climate and Biodiversity Plan (CABP).

Adopted last year, the CABP sets out how the council will respond to climate change and biodiversity loss until 2025.

Read more: Ambitious climate plan adopted

It sets out 70 action points ranging from reducing carbon emissions through more effective land-use planning and infrastructure design to regenerating native forest.

The website will be a place to learn about progress.

It will also “share the latest information and resources and celebrate the stories of success that are occurring all around the district,” QLDC said in a statement. 

In addition it will highlight and direct people to the network of sustainability and biodiversity focused organisations who are collaborating with the council.

QLDC shared the news of the new website in its latest climate update, which also celebrated the Food Resilience Project, Slow Fashion Month and the Community Shuttle Trial.

The council also confirmed it had made a submission “strongly supporting” the government’s decision to phase out certain hard-to-recycle plastics and single use items like plastic produce bags, plastic plates, bowls and cutlery and more.

PHOTO: Wānaka App