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The Wānaka App

Mobile emergency response gets funding boost

The Wānaka App

Sue Wards

16 October 2024, 4:04 PM

Mobile emergency response gets funding boostThe founding committee of the Wānaka Community Response Group (Geoff McLeay at right). PHOTO: Wānaka App

Wānaka Community Response Group’s (CRG) ability to respond to an emergency has been enhanced by funding for a bespoke emergency response trailer.

The group has been granted $26,617 from the Central Lakes Trust (CLT) towards the emergency trailer in the trust’s September funding round, and the Graeme and Olive West Charitable Trust has agreed to grant Wānaka CRG the same amount. 

Wānaka CRG management committee member and spokesperson Geoff McLeay told the Wānaka App the trailer would ensure “we are mobile and ready to deploy to a suitable community emergency hub, or a discrete stand-alone site, in the event of an emergency”.

Wānaka CRG was established two years ago to help coordinate efforts in the event of civil emergencies.

Read more: Local groups issue ‘wake up call’ for emergency planning

The new trailer, which would contain the group’s operational equipment, would enable the group to be mobile.

Emergency response trailers such as this one are used in Australia and parts of New Zealand. PHOTO: Supplied

“We don’t know where we’ll be needed, so we can move and provide support in the affected areas,” Geoff said.

Geoff said Wānaka CRG’s operations coordinator David Brown had extensive experience with emergency management in Australia and is familiar with the requirements for specialised trailers.

“Dave has been critical to the design of a trailer to suit Wānaka communities,” he said.

The enclosed trailer will be stored at a secure and readily accessible facility.

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