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The Wānaka App

Mayoral COVID-19 recovery update with Ignite Wanaka and Lake Wanaka Tourism

The Wānaka App

08 July 2020, 12:46 AM

Mayoral COVID-19 recovery update with Ignite Wanaka and Lake Wanaka Tourism

Ignite Wanaka and Lake Wanaka Tourism are pleased to bring to you a business community lunch to hear from QLDC Mayor Jim Boult on the recovery plans for the district, with a focus on the Upper Clutha.

The recovery for our district is underway and this is a fast moving beast, so we thought it timely to give the business community an update on the work happening to ensure our economy is resilient, sustainable and diversified in the post-COVID world.

All members of the community are invited to join us for a light lunch at Edgewater as well as an opportunity to connect with others. A recovery overview from Mayor Jim will be followed by a Q+A from attendees.

Monday 13 July, 12-1.30pm

Edgewater Resort, Downstairs Pavilion

Numbers limited to 100 so please book in early. Catering to be confirmed EOB Friday 10 July. Lunch included. Please advise dietaries when booking.

$40 Ignite and LWT Members*

$50 Non Members

RSVP essential, please click here to secure your space.