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‘Like a warm fish milkshake’ - feedback invited on LTP

The Wānaka App

Maddy Harker

02 July 2024, 5:06 PM

‘Like a warm fish milkshake’ - feedback invited on LTPThe expectations of communities won’t be met “in many fields for a long period of time which is really tough”, deputy mayor Quentin Smith said. PHOTO: Wānaka App

Councillors are urging members of the public to make a submission on the draft Long Term Plan (LTP), which proposes an average rates increase of 15.6 percent for local ratepayers.

It was approved for consultation at last week’s Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) full council meeting after lengthy discussion and submissions are open until July 28.

“I encourage the community to have a deep dive into this if they have the time,” councillor Nikki Gladding said.

Her comments were echoed by other councillors, who noted the significant changes and substantial increases to rates proposed in the draft LTP.

Councillor Craig Ferguson said the draft LTP could “go down like a warm fish milkshake with some of our residents”.

Councillor Craig Ferguson said the draft plan could “go down like a warm fish milkshake” with some of our residents. PHOTO: Supplied

The significant rates increase proposal is the result of high inflation, high interest rates, government compliance costs and other things outside the control of the council, QLDC assurance, finance and risk general manager Stewart Burns told councillors.

In order to ‘balance the books’, the council is proposing a significantly scaled-back capital expenditure programme, he said.

“We won’t be meeting the expectations of our communities in many fields for a long period of time which is really tough,” deputy mayor Quentin Smith said.

He noted that there was still some “really significant” investment in infrastructure in the draft plan.

A QLDC consultation document breaks down projects that are being put on the backburner in the draft LTP (which include active travel, with a slimmed down budget), investments it is proposing bringing forward (which includes new sports fields for Wānaka and clean energy upgrades for the district’s swimming pools) and all the other details about the draft LTP.

Find the consultation document, as well as information on how to make a submission, here.

After submissions close, a hearing will take place in August and a final LTP will be presented to councillors in mid-September.

PHOTO: Wānaka App