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How remote working can work for your business (law)

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Aspiring Law

04 May 2020, 12:43 AM

How remote working can work for your business (law) by Tiffany Joyce

What seemed unthinkable a few short weeks ago has become the new normal in so many different parts of our lives. One of the most obvious is the impact social distancing has had on the way we work. 

The shift from working in offices to working from home is unprecedented on a global scale. How can we flourish in a virtual environment and bring the office culture into the technological age? 

Trust plays a huge role in high performing teams. ‘Swift trust’ can fast-track a newly assembled team to perform to the same levels as a group that has built trust over many years. The key ingredient to swift trust is that instead of trust being earned, it is given from the outset. 

Predictable communication has been shown to be more effective than the volume of communication. This means having a set time and purpose for speaking with your team. 

Teams must be task-focussed while taking a neutral and shared approach to leadership. It is important to delegate key roles across the team and to focus on tasks and goals, rather than procedure, when measuring output.

Replace what happens in the office with something similar or an upgraded version of the familiar in the online space. Create shared events and share stories to facilitate team bonding.

Stay true to your business’s values and purpose. The context of a company and how it operates should change and must adapt, but the value of the work and the reason it is done should not.

Although physical distance cannot always be reduced, we need to remember that psychological distance can. Working remotely can allow for some businesses to flourish. They just need to work remotely in the most effective possible way. 

Feedback, comments and questions are always welcomed – please feel free to e-mail me on [email protected]

T: 03 443 0922


Tiffany Joyce specialises in property law, business & employment law, and family law at Aspiring Law.

Please remember, this information is designed as a general guide, and should not replace specific legal advice on a particular issue.