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Funds support Upper Clutha young people

The Wānaka App

27 November 2022, 4:00 PM

Funds support Upper Clutha young people CLT’s latest funding round benefits young people across the region, including at Mount Aspiring College, for which a $42,582 grant to provide additional resources was approved.

Local tamariki and rangatahi will benefit most from the most recent Central Lakes Trust (CLT) grant round, CLT grants manager Mat Begg says. 

“Fifteen of the 21 grants approved by the board have a focus on assisting our rangatahi and tamariki in one way or another,” he said, and ten of those organisations have a presence in the Upper Clutha.

They include everything from driving skills to a youth work placement programme and an anti-bullying programme.

One of the initiatives supporting young people was the Central Otago Principals Association (COPA), which was renewed for another three years in the November funding round.

The programme is a CLT initiative dating back to 2006, which provides additional resources for all five secondary schools in Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes. 

Mount Aspiring College Te Kura o Tititea received the largest grant for this programme of all the schools ($42,582).

Mat said the COPA was extremely valuable for schools.

“Each school uses the funds differently depending on the year group and their needs. But often it is used in the form of a teacher aide,” he said.

“While some students benefit directly, all students in the class gain from having additional support as this frees up the teacher.”

Other grants in the November funding round included a $157,500 operational grant to Community Networks Wānaka; $23,144 for Challenge Wānaka’s junior triathlon festival and $5,000 for the Secondary Schools Sports Association.

In total 21 grants in total were approved by the board at the November meeting - the last meeting of the calendar year - totalling almost $800K.

This brings the grants approved for the financial year end March 31 2023 to $7.95M, Mat said.

CLT is the largest philanthropic trust per capita in the Southern Hemisphere. Its purpose is to make a positive lasting contribution to the community by supporting charitable projects throughout Central Lakes.

CLT elected a new board late last month. 

See also: ‘Returning and new faces for CLT board’.


PHOTO: Mount Aspiring College