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The Wānaka App

Disappointment over holiday vandalism

The Wānaka App

Maddy Harker

12 January 2022, 5:00 PM

Disappointment over holiday vandalismQLDC is disappointed with damage and petty vandalism which has occurred over the holiday period.

A Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) representative says the council is disappointed by petty vandalism and damage caused to property around Wānaka during the holiday period. 

Between Christmas Eve and January 5, damage has included broken signs, smashed bottles and graffiti. 

“This is always disheartening to see and a needless cost to ratepayers,” QLDC media and channels advisor Sam White said. 

“Particularly saddening is the snapping of the Relay for Life memorial tree on Pembroke Park.”

The council received 203 requests for service in the Upper Clutha during the holiday period, up from 174 last year. 

Requests for service are made by members of the public who spot an issue in the community and contact the council to resolve it. 

Sam said the memorial tree for Relay for Life - an event which raises money for cancer research and treatment - will be replaced during the next planting season.

During the New Year period the Wānaka police reported multiple arrests for assault and disorder. 

Wānaka Police say they are still pulling over drunk drivers daily. 

A police representative said they were not willing to provide the Wānaka App with information regarding petty damage or vandalism over the holiday period. 

In the Wānaka Crimeline senior constable Bruce McLean suggested drink driving was a key focus of the local police force in recent weeks.

“We are catching plenty of drink drivers, still,” Bruce said. “We stop a large number of cars every night. 

“Don’t think we won’t stop you. Find another way home or, better still, don’t take your car to town or where you will be drinking at all.”

PHOTO: Wānaka App