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The Wānaka App

Wānaka Police

06 February 2023, 10:32 PM


Aloha Wānakians, hope everyone has been well. If you were blessed with a long weekend, I trust it was enjoyable.

If you are like us and public holidays don’t grace you with their presence, then I hope you still found enjoyment, nonetheless.

A bit of variety on show this past week which shall be divulged forthwith.

On Tuesday various enquiries into prolific shoplifting and graffiti were made in the hopes of identifying the scoundrels responsible.

An individual was arrested for a rather serious matter.

On Wednesday another arrest was made.

A locator beacon required our attention but proved to be a false alarm.

A driving complaint was dealt with and some work was done around schools during pickup and drop-off for restricted drivers and cycle safety. There have been instances reported where drivers are parking in disabled spaces unlawfully as well as across broken yellow lines. I know it can be a stressful time but please adhere to parking accordingly.

The evening gave us a drunken man running on the road after his friend was picked up for drink driving and another driving charge.

Thursday saw some more work done around the schools with the above mentioned and a driving complaint was attended to.

On Friday an individual’s driver license was taken from them due to having more than 100 demerit points. They’ll get it back after three months.

More enquiries for those prolific shoplifters I mentioned earlier and lots of general patrolling around the place. The evening passed without incident, which was a nice reprieve.

There was a driving complaint dealt with on Saturday and those shoplifters were arrested. They now must explain themselves to a judge. In the evening there was a vehicle crash. I think the drunk driver had something to do with it. Another drink driver was found and their level was so high that they automatically lost their license for a month.

On Sunday a family harm was attended and a trespass notice served (separate events).

There was also a tramper rescued after they activated their beacon. They were as prepared as one could be, and were even stuck for an extra two nights than planned. Wisely they activated their beacon instead of crossing the river and were able to be helicoptered out.

Another tramper was picked up at the same time so a good result all around. Shows the importance of these handy pieces of kit.

An elderly gentleman required police assistance to help him sort his life out when he flew in with no plans and virtually no resources. After a while it became apparent that he required medical attention so the ambulance came and greatly assisted us.

Take care everyone and have a good week.