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Wānaka Police

19 December 2022, 9:24 PM


During the week that was a person was spoken to at their home address by police after their driving was reported.. Remember that everyone has a cell phone these days, and even when there is not a police officer in sight, we have ways of catching up with you. Drive carefully.

Still on a traffic theme, a motorist was stopped and found to be driving a vehicle in breach of his strict licence provisions to only drive a vehicle equipped with an alcohol interlock device.

A truck caused a degree of chaos when it broke down on the Crown Range road. The truck was left blocking an entire lane. The driver carelessly left the vehicle where it was and did not make arrangements for its removal until the following day creating danger and frustration for many road users. Police will be speaking to the company involved, and they may be under greater observation to ensure compliance for the near future.

Another Wānaka local had his driver licence suspended by police for accumulating excess of demerit points.

A woman was issued with an order by police to stay away from another person after she entered a business premises and caused a disturbance.

Police had to intervene in a couple of domestic related incidents.

A Wānaka man had his firearms licence suspended as a result of behaviour that came to the attention of police.

A man was asked to leave a licenced premises because of his behaviour. The man was uncooperative in departing and pushed a security staff member. Police attended and arrested the man for assaulting the security staff.

Another man at a licensed premises caused tempers to flair with his behaviour. A fight broke out, and police arrested the man. After his arrest, he was released by police on bail to appear in court.

Saturday saw police attending several incidents all involving neighbours who are at odds. It is always essential to be courteous to your neighbours and also to be considerate of how your activities might impact on those around you.

Police spoke to a man who ordered a food delivery and took the food but refused to pay for it.

The man relied on disputing the quality of the food being a defence to theft, but received appropriate advice and education from police. He processed payment for the food and received a warning for his actions. The matter will be entered into the police system and if he comes to police attention for similar actions in the future, police are likely to address the criminal aspect of the behaviour.

Please remember limit the amount you drink and behave to others with courtesy and kindness and you will be able to end this year on a good note and look forward to the year ahead.

Wishing you all a safe and joyous Christmas with family and friends from the Wānaka Police.