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The Wānaka App

Wānaka Police

12 September 2022, 10:09 PM


Hello good folk of Wānaka.

What a week, with the passing of Queen Elizabeth II and the proclamation of King Charles III taking up most of the news, as well as remembrance of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, 21 years ago. Where has that time gone.

Luckily no such dramatic situations in Wānaka over the past week, so here is a bit of a roundup.

We start with our old friend alcohol. It was a week where many felt the sting of the alcohol ban along the waterfront and CBD area. Yes, it is a real thing so please don’t bring it into town and drink as you walk along. Because no matter how fast you think you are hiding it, we are fully trained booze spotters. So, to avoid a fine please don’t do it.

And with the alcohol comes some rather unsavoury behaviour. As well as the usual rowdiness which inevitably occurs, there is a reoccurring trend, mainly from males but females are not immune, of stopping and urinating in the street or shop doorways. Believe me this is not restricted to tourists or seasonal workers either, locals are also being found to be culprits. Wānaka does have its fair share of public toilets but if you are cut short at least try to get out of view rather than standing on Ardmore Street in full view of all passing. I’m sure the wider community would find this behaviour disgusting.

We have had a focus on stop signs lately due to an increase in crashes at them so please, as you approach, look at the sign it is a big hint on what to do as it says STOP. This focus is set to continue so if you wish to ignore the signage you do so at the risk of an infringement notice.

During the week we had four youths who felt it necessary to climb into the rear of a residential property. They were apprehended a short time later and unfortunately are already known to us for various reasons.

There has been the usual number of complaints of poor driving around the area with both infringement notices and warnings being given. It has been a refreshing change to note that not such a high level of drink drivers has been apprehended this week, a trend I hope will continue.

We have had a couple of family harm incidents this week which have been attended and wraparound services being involved to help these families. Remember there is help, you just have to seek it out. The Wānaka Community Hub is always a good place to start if things are getting on top of you and you need help.

We are still getting the odd cyber fraud being reported so stay alert to these scams. Don’t give out your personal details or any bank codes. Always remember these people are cunning and appear genuine but they only want your hard-earned money so don’t give them a chance.

Well until next time Wānaka, stay safe and enjoy all the benefits of living in such a great place.