The Wānaka App


The Wānaka App

Sergeant Darren Cranfield

24 January 2022, 1:06 AM


This week’s Crimeline begins with our officers, accompanied with many of our local volunteers and supporting organisations attending a fatal vehicle crash in the early hours of Monday morning.

It’s a sobering reminder to the fragility of life and something that we often take for granted. The investigation into the circumstance is something that is obviously underway, so for now our thoughts are with those affected by the tragedy.

The day continued with a water rescue on Lake Wānaka. Riders on a jetski had inadvertently sucked up their tow rope into the intake.

Tensions were then high at BP petrol station when a conversation was perhaps taken out of context which led to some heated words from a customer.

The team then spent some time in Albert Town after some neighbourhood issues raised their heads.

By all means, we encourage people to talk to each other, but there’s a line where police may be better placed to have those conversations.

A further water rescue on Lake Wānaka occurred, and we were only on Tuesday. This amounted to a full response from the Coastguard to a suspected capsized boat. A special thanks goes out to the crews of local boaties who heard the call on channel 66 and assisted with the search.

The rest of the week saw a significant number of responses for families in moments of crisis, and in some instances involved parties being separated and or someone being arrested.

If you’re in a relationship that you don’t want to be in, or are concerned about, come and see us. No judgement, just someone that will listen and give you good advice.

You may have seen we have had the booze bus team in town over the last couple of weeks. We are hoping this is a reminder for people to arrange safe rides home after having a couple of drinks.

Unfortunately, there are still some disappointing results popping up with many people off to court to explain themselves to the judge.

We would like to give the Wānaka SAR team a big thanks, for a successful rescue from Mt Earnslaw last week. This resulted in a safe return with no injuries to anyone. Timely reminder that when you are planning a hike to ensure you check weather reports and ensure you tell friends or family where you are going.

As many have been enjoying the hotter days out on the lake, there have been various boating and swimming items handed in to the station as found property. If you are missing anything, please pop into the station.

Be safe, be kind and make each day count.