The Wānaka App
The Wānaka App
It's Your Place
The Wānaka App


The Wānaka App

20 December 2021, 1:59 AM


Ho ho hooooow are we Wanaka? Fingers crossed the tree is up and everyone is counting down to sharing the season with those around them.

So, what happened this last week? The week started with some money being taken out of an account, unfortunately from someone they know.

Following this, we attended a vehicle crash on Riverbank Road, thankfully no one was hurt.

Overnight on Monday we responded to persons breaking into a garage. Three persons were caught and are being dealt with.

I’m sad to say that the burglaries didn’t stop there. We’ve received calls about suspicious persons and people having their cars entered during the night. While I agree that living somewhere that doesn’t require

you to screw down everything you own would be sublime, it just isn’t the world we currently live in. Be vigilant. Lock your cars and call us with any suspicious activity.

Tuesday saw a search warrant executed for drugs, and drugs were found. We also caught a disqualified driver who didn’t take court rulings seriously and has now lost their vehicle.

Mid week police supported someone struggling with mental health - remember, we are here to help and you’re not in trouble if we come to say hi.

Given the traffic light system, we offered education throughout the week to people who weren’t up to speed with certain regulations. This included licenced premises, commercial businesses, and individuals.

Later in the week we had reports of more fraud, this time via Facebook marketplace – there is very little protection with buying items this way, so if you’re unsure, don’t risk it.

Police responded to a three-vehicle collision on the Hikuwai/Northlake border, thankfully no one was injured.

Nearing the weekend things continued to keep us busy with a family dispute, breach of bail, and another vehicle collision.

The weekend saw us deal with a trespass and arrest, that turned into someone needing some help….remember I said we’re genuinely here to help.

There were many parties this weekend all around the area, and it was good to see that people were able to enjoy themselves without losing control, good work.

The end of the week also saw a freedom camping dispute out towards Luggate, where tempers were raised.

On a side note, a large amount of found cash was handed in to the station in a bag. If this is yours, come in.

For those of you who are still at work this week and those who aren’t, have a fantastic week and savour the time you have with those around you.