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The Wānaka App

Sergeant Kim Chirnside

07 November 2021, 10:29 PM


Kia ora all.

What an amazing run of weather we’ve had this week in our slice of paradise. It has been great to see the community out and about, soaking it up.

On Tuesday Constable Harbison started his “Blast” programme, with some fantastic young people in our community completing the first fitness bootcamp. The goal is to empower Wanaka’s youth to improve overall wellbeing through healthy choices and positive relationships.

You’ll see our uniformed staff joining in each week to ensure we are fit for the challenges of our job.

Late in the week there were multiple reports of customers not complying with the face covering rules in retail stores. Police continue to remind people of their obligations to wear a face covering in store and that fines do apply if police get involved.

Operation Deterrence has continued this week with a focus on distractions and restraints on our roads.

You may have seen police officers perfectly camouflaged in their hi-vis vests, spotting those using their phones and not wearing a seatbelt while driving.

Constable Wallbank could barely stop them as quick as they were spotted. The rate at which drivers were snapped was disappointingly high, and one driver managed to do it twice on the same day. This will continue this week. Hope we don’t see you.

On Wednesday police received a report of an assault at a private barbecue in Wānaka where a victim was punched. The matter is being investigated by police and a result is likely soon.

On Thursday two vehicles were interfered with in carparks off State Highway 6 north of Makarora. Be aware that offenders are active in the area and if you are going on a walk, try not to leave valuables in your car.

On Thursday evening the Mobile Road Safety Bus (Mrs B) was over from Alexandra. You might know her as the Booze Bus and she went to various locations and caught three drink drivers between Wānaka and Cromwell, all will be off to court soon. Anytime, anywhere.

On both Friday and Saturday nights, local police stopped driver’s for drink driving. One of those drivers refused to allow police to take a blood sample so was arrested. Both are facing sanctions.

On Saturday night there was a report of a valuable mountain bike stolen from outside a bar on Helwick Street. If this was taken to get someone home, please return it to the Wānaka police station so it can be returned to its owner.

On the found property front, we have received a large toolbox containing standard builder’s tools that may have fallen off the back of a ute. It’s heavy and heavy means valuable. Someone must be missing it.

Take care out there and have a great week.