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The Wānaka App

Senior Constable Adrian Kerin

20 September 2021, 4:26 AM


Hello again Wanaka.

Well with us settling into our level 2 lifestyle things are looking a little bit more normal in and around Wanaka.

With that in mind what a mixed bag of offerings your local police have had this week.

A petrol drive off from a local service station is resulting in further enquires as a registration number was taken and the driver has been named. Hopefully this will be resolved quickly.

A Lewis Hamilton understudy also decided to plant his foot this week being captured on radar at 88kph in a 40 zone. He didn’t see the police vehicle behind him and blew an alcohol level which provided him with a fine and 50 demerits. Coupled with the 28-day suspension of driver’s licence for the speed, not a good choice of actions.

A trespass notice was issued to a homeowner who was becoming very frustrated with contractors working on a property beside his until early evening. We know the lockdown had knock on effects re timings for building and such, but with that in mind tradies you also need to be aware of how much noise pollution can be caused on site and how frustrating it can be for those living beside it.

A timely reminder also this week of how road conditions can change and how becoming distracted while driving can have severe consequences. Police had to humanely destroy a deer which had been hit by a vehicle on the Lake Hāwea - Albert Town highway on Thursday night with evidence of 2 other deer also having been hit in the same area.

So, watch your speed and watch out for stock on the road, they don’t have much in the way of road sense.

On Saturday a driver had a very lucky escape after becoming distracted while driving on SH6 near the Wanaka Airport losing control of her vehicle. The vehicle rolled approximately five times before a fence post entered the vehicle. She sustained no injuries and may have used up all her luck towards a lotto win but walked away.

Police have been kept busy with more Family Harm incidents this week with a range of actions from warnings to arrests being made. Please remember there is help there and always available. Please contact the Wānaka Community Hub to be put in touch with agencies which can help when times get tough.

Now as we are in level 2 remember mask wearing is mandatory in many places, shops, supermarkets, and other areas where potential interaction with others may occur. So, if you are asked to put a mask on by a staff member of that establishment it is because it is a mandatory requirement. It is not a slur on you personally but is a requirement to prevent any spread of the disease.

“I forgot it” or “it’s in the car I won’t be long” doesn’t cut it. We all need to do our part to stop this disease unless level 4 looks good again to people. Your behaviour matters so please do the right thing.

Finally, there was an extreme act of vandalism on two tiny houses and a van which was parked at the Hikuwai Estate over the last week. Both houses have been destroyed beyond any form of liveability with thousands of dollars of damage done. A van in the area has also been extensively damaged. Forensic investigations are underway to identify the culprits and hopefully gain reparation to the owners for the damage.

If you have any information around this police would like to hear from you.

Well that’s all from me this week, as I said quite a mixed bag, so we have been kept busy. Until next time, stay safe, please stick to the rules and be kind to each other.