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The Wānaka App

Senior Constable Bruce McLean

11 October 2020, 10:45 PM


I hope everyone has survived the school holidays and are set for another term ahead!

Early in the week police responded to a recurrent driving complaint on Gunn Road which saw the driver stopped and educated on his driving manner along with some other issues.

On Tuesday, police intervened when a couple had an argument outside the supermarket. Police assisted the pair with getting them where they needed to go in order to deescalate the situation.

Wednesday, police investigated a trespassing incident at New World Three Parks and also a suspicious call regarding a couple, who left together before police arrived, arguing on McDougal Street where a knife was mentioned.

Thursday, officers assisted with locating a missing teenager in Albert Town who was reported overdue by a family member. They were located safe and well.

Later they checked on the large party on the corner of Brownston and Dungarvon Street. Everyone was ok and in good spirits. Following this, Police helped a family in need through rough times, calling upon our fellow partner agencies to help out.

Friday, a report of a cat being shot by a slug gun was received. Two slugs were removed from the cat by a vet. Police are actively seeking anyone with any knowledge on this to get in touch either at the Wanaka station or by calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Following this, officers patrolling towards Makarora spotted a ‘controlled’ burn on the hills by The Neck that was now requiring monsoon buckets to stop it spreading. FENZ investigated accordingly.

Later, in town there was some disorder at Mint Bar where door staff were assaulted.

During the day on Saturday we were able to help a woman in labour get to the medical centre a bit quicker than normal with a police escort – congratulations - and feel free to name your baby after the officer who helped…unless it’s a girl, in which case that may get a bit awkward.

In the evening we had a number of driving complaints regarding a vehicle which uncovered a drunk driver who will soon appear in court.

Sunday was certainly not a day of rest, with another drink-driver dealt with and reports of questionable people looking into driveways. If in doubt, give us a call, always.

A little word on cell phones while driving to finish off. When you drive past the police station on your phone (twice), yes, you will still get a ticket.

Have a great week you amazing people!