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The Wānaka App

Senior Constable Bruce McLean

21 September 2020, 3:06 AM


Well today is the day that New Zealanders will huddle around the TV for the COVID-19 lockdown update as if it was the grand finale of their favourite show!

We can all agree that the restrictions have meant a different way of life for a lot of people, and in acknowledging this, we want to thank you for helping the process.

So, here’s just a snippet of how the week has been for your fellow boys and girls in blue?

There was a crash at Timaru Creek Road on Tuesday where one vehicle drove off, luckily no one was hurt. We think someone might have some dents in their rear bumper that they might want to report?

Wednesday saw another crash. This time on Ardmore Street which I’m sure a lot of you saw. Thankfully the driver is recovering well.

RELATED: Car overturns on Ardmore Street

Thursday another scam was reported. If you get a phone call from a person claiming to be your bank, or another financial institution, think before you give out any personal information. These fraudsters will sound very convincing and likely make a strong case for why they need your details urgently. If in doubt, take their name and call the company back using a phone number you’ve looked up in the phone book, or, come in and see us if you’re really unsure and we’ll help you out.

We also had a burglary reported out towards Hāwea Flat late in the afternoon. We hope this is just a case of curious children, but that still doesn’t make it ok. Please look out for your neighbours and they’ll do the same for you.

Friday night saw our prevention team out and about with a licencing officer from QLDC visiting all the bars. It was really good to see managers having good processes in place re Covid and people still supporting the local trade.

Later that night, a driver thought that the roads were a bit bland and decided to decorate them with tyre rubber in a few places. Officers were like a dog after a bone and the prevention team picked up the driver soon after and took his vehicle for 28 days.

On Saturday a drink driver who had also been smoking cannabis provided a high breath alcohol reading and has lost more than just their car for 28 days.

Sunday was the official closing party at Treble Cone. Our awesome prevention team were out and about up the ski field getting amongst it (although apparently they scored only 5/10 on their fancy-dress). They also ran an alcohol checkpoint with our road policing and Wanaka officers, checking over 500 vehicles. Only having 25 drivers with alcohol in their system – but ALL under the limit. Well done Treble Cone on a well-run close-down party!

Have a safe week everyone.