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The Wānaka App

Constable Andrew Bremner

24 August 2020, 10:21 PM


There has been a steady stream of incidents being attended by local Police over the last week.

There have been several reports over the past few weeks and one this week regarding the theft of property on Wanaka’s ski fields. We encourage maintaining eyes on your valuable equipment at all times.

On Thursday Police were called when a vehicle was seen to crash into a lamp-post in Northlake, causing grievous injury to the lamp-post and a nearby wheelie bin. The cause appears to have been distraction and the driver has been contacted by Police.

During the week Police caught up with several youths after they provided Police with false details to avoid the trouble that may result from taking their parents’ cars and driving without licences. We

believe they have learned some valuable lessons.

Police attended an incident at a local bar on Friday night and arrested a male for spitting on the bar manager: intoxication or drug use is not an excuse for poor behaviour.

On Saturday night one drink driver was identified and stopped by Police for exceeding the limit.

On Sunday morning a man was found in a distressed state outside a Hāwea address, appearing to have been the victim of a serious assault. Police are confident that all parties involved are known and are currently investigating.

A reminder to those that are venturing into the high country trails at this time of the year, take a cell phone with a full battery, tell someone where you are going and when you will intend to be back

home and go well prepared.

COVID19 update - please use the QR posters when shopping or use the sign in books, let’s not be lazy. Stick to the Level 2 protocols and remember, it’s not about you, it’s about the whole country. Support those who take this situation seriously.

A reminder that drivers are still using cell phones during their travels, and many motorists are still not stopping at the stop signs on Brownston St and Golf Course Road. Don’t complain when you receive a $150 fine.

Kia wiki haumaru.

Have a safe week.